Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

A review of various research studies demonstrates a variety of alcohol related deaths from quite a few incontrovertible and some not so obvious sources. Some of the more instantly recognizable ways in which people lose their lives from excessive and abusive drinking involve traffic fatalities, homicides, chronic alcohol addiction, excessive alcohol withdrawal symptoms, from various alcohol-related birth defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome, suicides, and from alcohol poisoning

Other fairly obvious alcohol related deaths result from many types of cancer. Examples of less self-evident alcohol related deaths result from non-cancerous, alcohol-related health problems, medical conditions, and illnesses such as heart failure, pancreatitis, alcohol-induced coma, organ failure, brain damage, and strokes.

It seems that almost every year medical scientific investigation uncovers another illness or psychological and physical medical problem specifically caused either directly or indirectly from chronic alcoholism. Regrettably, more than a few of these alcohol-related medical obstacles and issues have resulted in the unforeseen deaths of countless numbers of people. One would assume, therefore, that access to this information would drastically lessen the number of people who become people who are alcohol dependent. Unfortunately, it may be stressed, the medical and alcohol addiction death statistics do not corroborate this argument

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