Thursday, March 18, 2010

The physical alcoholism signs .

Alcoholism is a word synonymous with addiction or abuse, alcohol being the most abused substance in the world. This makes it extremely important for the people around alcoholics to know and recognize the alcoholism signs. Its important to understand how alcohol causes dependence. When alcohol reaches the brain it releases dopamine and serotonin both these chemicals are responsible for causing euphoria and a sense of well being.

The reason most people abuse this substance is for the sense of well being and euphoria it induces. Most alcoholics have tensions, stress, emotional problems and financial difficulties which they try to forget when under the influence of alcohol. Alcoholism signs are very peculiar and follow a particular sequence. The first sign is drinking in isolation; the addict tries to be alone while drinking. This stems from the fact that he or she is guilt conscious knowing that they cannot do with out alcohol and that the amount of alcohol they need is slowly increasing.

Drinking increasing amounts of alcohol is the very next sign and this happens because the body needs more and more alcohol to bring about the same effect of euphoria. The next lot of signs are setting aside specific times for drinking, these are generally after work or late evenings. The addict begins lying and getting upset when stopped and questioned about his whereabouts at this particular time. Eventually all social gatherings are centered on this very act of consuming alcohol.

The alcoholism signs which most affects the life of the addict is the change in nature brought about by this substance abuse. The alcoholic becomes aggressive and gets offended by small things which were at one time taken in light spirit by him. Spirit is the word and substance which causes these aggressive and reckless behavioral alcoholism signs. The family starts suffering causing fights and disturbances at home, this makes matters worse. To escape from these domestic tensions the alcoholic turns to the bottle for support.

The physical alcoholism signs like blood shot eyes, swollen face, tremors and slurred speech helps one identify an alcoholic. They start keeping alcohol at the most unlikely places at office or home and are disinterested in almost everything else in life. Loss of appetite, liver problems, gastric acidity and pancreatitis can all cause physical discomfort and pain to the addict. Eventually there is withdrawal early in the morning and the alcoholic needs a drink first thing in the morning, this is one of the most serious signs of alcoholism.

Need for the body to have a drink first thing in the morning indicates the degree of dependency of the body on alcohol. If the body doesn't get alcohol at regular intervals the person goes into withdrawal. The signs and symptoms of withdrawal are as serious as those of chronic alcoholism and need to be treated. When de-addiction treatment is started the first thing done is treating the withdrawal, when the signs of withdrawal are taken care of its easy for the addict to stop drinking.

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